# transcript for movie "Grosser Mann ganz klein" (2013) - Part 10 of 10 # timings based on the RedRunner file EXTERIOR - road - timecode 01:25:52 EXTERIOR - Ina's house - timecode 01:26:00 INTERIOR - Johanna's bedroom 63.1: Alex: Dont understand first part of sentence, {..Ich hab ganz schoenen Hunger!} [I have quite beautiful hungry!] Ina enters room 63.2: Alex: {Also eines kann ich Dir sagen! Das Leben ist wirklich ein einziges Auf und Ab! } [So one thing I can tell you! Life is really a single up and down!] 63.3: Johanna: {Mama, ich will, dass der hier bleibt! } [Mom, I want that stays here!] 63.4: Alex: {Und?} 63.5: Ina: {Wir haben es geschafft!} [We did it!] 63.6: Alex: {Das gibt's ja nicht! Ja??} [That there is not so! Yes?] // dict.cc: "Das gibt's ja nicht!" == "Get out of town!" // 63.7: Ina: {Ja!} 63.8: Alex: {Das gibt's ja nicht. Das gibt's ja nicht..} Alex kisses Johnna's forehead 63.9: Alex: {Hey!} Alex and Ina hug, then kiss 63.10: Alex (whispers): {Danke!!} 63.11: Johanna (voiceover): {Ganz ehrlich!?} // dict.cc: "Ganz ehrlich" == dead honest, in all honesty, with all one's heart // {Ich fand den kleinen Alex ja viel putziger!} [I found the little Alex so much cutesy!] <...I found the little Alex so much cuter!> {Aber ich glaube, Mama... naja, das sehen Sie ja selbst!} [But I think Mama ... well, that you can see for yourself!] EXTERIOR - toy company - timecode 01:27:04 INTERIOR - toy company - timecode 01:27:08 64.1: Johanna (voiceover continues): {Mama zeichnet jetzt uebrigens den ganzen Tag nur Spielsachen und alle finden das total super!} [Mum draws now by the way the whole day just toys and all will find the totally great!] {Ausser der komischen Tante, die eh keiner leiden konnte..} [In addition to the comic aunt, who could not suffer eh ..] // dict.cc: Ausser = except, unless, besides, excluding, except for // 64.2: Simone: {Ja, ich gehe dann!} [Well, I go then!] 64.3: Ina: {Irgendwie schade, dass Sie gekuendigt haben.} [Somehow a pity that you have canceled.] 64.4: Simone: {nicht witzig!} [Not funny!] 64.5: Ina: {Ich finde es witzig!} 64.6: Simone: {Nicht witzig!!} 64.6A: Ina: {Doch!} 64.7: Johanna (voiceover continues): {..und Alex bekam ein Angebot, das er nicht ablehnen wollte.} [and Alex got an offer he did not refuse.] // obvious reference to American movie "The Godfather": "an offer he couldn't refuse" // <...and Alex got an offer he couldn't refuse.> {Und hatte schon bald neue Freunde.} [And soon had new friends.] TRANSITION - timecode 01:27:54 64.8: Johanna (voiceover continues): {Und bei Mama, da musste sich Alex noch mal richtig anstrengen!} [And Mom, because Alex had to again make a real effort!] EXTERIOR - pub - timecode 01:28:04 INTERIOR - pub - timecode 01:28:07 65.1: Alex: {Na, so allein, schoene Frau!?} [Well, all alone, beautiful woman?] 65.2: Ina: {Ich bin gar nicht allein!} [I'm not alone!] 65.3: Alex: {Ah, nein?} 65.4: Ina: {Ich habe meinen Freund dabei!} [I took my boyfriend there!] 65.5: Alex: {Oh!} 65.6: Ina: {hmhm.} Ina shows new toy Alex chuckles 65.7: Ina: {Und Deinen auch!} [And your too!] 65.8: Alex: {Hey!} both chuckle 65.9: Alex (in funny voice): {Na, Du bist also der Typ, der auf diese scharfe Braut hier aufpasst!?} [Well, you are the type who takes care of this sharp bride here?] 65.10: Ina (funny voice): {Ja, richtig!} 65.11: Alex: {Hm, ja, ich passe auf den hier auf!} [Hm, well, I'll take care of the here!] 65.12: Ina: {Oh!} 65.13: Alex: {Und ich finde, dass die beiden ziemlich gut zusammenpassen!} [And I think that the two go together pretty good!] 65.14: Ina: {naja, so auf den ersten Blick..} [Well, maybe at first glance ..] 65.15: Alex (normal voice): {Und auf den zweiten?} [And at the second?] 65.16: Ina (normal voice): {Da muesste ich Hanni noch mal ganz kurz fragen, weil solche Entscheidungen kann ich nicht alleine treffen, Hanni und ich.. uerberhaupt keine Entscheidung..} [Since I would have to Hanni ask again very briefly, because I can not make such decisions alone, Hanni and I uerberhaupt .. no choice ..] // dict.cc: since must I Hanni once again very short-time ask, because decisions like this I cannot alone make, Hanni and I... altogether decide // 65.17: Alex and Ina talk over each other: Alex: {Du kannst doch.. Dont understand the rest (#beim Fuenften frage ich nicht nochmal".. makes no sense... // dict.cc: Du kannst doch == Yes, you can beim == at the... Fuenften = 15 frage == question nochmal == once again Yes, you can. (inaudible) at the 15 question I not once again winzling: "Well, you could..." // // posted 15-second clip to giatnesscity Videos/Requests for help // they kiss - timecode 01:28:58 65.18: Ina: {Jetzt koennte ich Hanni doch ganz kurz anrufen, und sie fragen, ob..} [Now I could call Hanni but very briefly, and ask her ob.] 65.19: Alex: {Schnauze!!!} // dict.cc: Schnauze == snout, muzzle, beak, lip, kisser, jaws; (idiom) Schnauze! == Dry up! // music starts, fade out, credits roll